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Thinc Project is run by a group of students at the Stockholm School of Economics. We raise awareness about excessive consumption with the goal to change consumer mindsets. 
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were put in place as part of Agenda 2030, and aim to create a more sustainable world through 17 different goals. In the SDG Annual Progress Report of 2019, one of the goals reported with least progress made was SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. Whereas many of the other goals are seeing a decreasing trend in detrimental patterns, or at least have plans in store of how to be tackled, goal number 12 is one out of control. Production and consumption across the world is increasing at a large rate, partly because of the established consumption mindset of more is more, but also because of a growing middle class. In other words, the world needs more tools through which consumption and production can be made more sustainable. 
In this project, we wanted to use our voices to make a change, even if so a small one. In the phase of planning and sharing ideas, we agreed that a project that promotes reusing and swapping of products doesn't address the real problem of increasing consumption. The truth is that consumer mindsets need to be changed to obtain long-term sustainable consumption. This is what we hope to do through Thinc Project; establishing the mindset of less is more. Not only because it saves our planet, also because it will have positive effects on your well-being.
Therefore, we want you to thinc about your consumption. 
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